TL;DR -- March is the month to look at the women's history in all of its aspects.
March 8th is International Women's Day this year. StreetsofSalem put together a walking tour of houses for to look at Salem women's history. Houses in the tour are associated with these families: Crowinshield; Emmerton; Peabody; Saltonstall; Adams; and more.
March is Women's History month in the U.S. and many other parts of the worlds. We have had a post for this the past three years.
The prior posts have a list, current at the time, of material from other sites and this blog.
- Mary Gardner Bolyston -- Considers a couple of threads that lead up to the generation of John and Abigail Adams who featured in the time of the U.S. Revolution.
- von Neumann, Hopper -- Given some of the recent controversy related to GenAI and computer software, this post looks at the view of two pioneers in the field, one of which was Admiral Grace Hopper.
- Lady Science -- In our research, we ran into a blog that has a focus on women in science. One example is Margrethe Nørland Bohr who worked with her husband in the early days of quantum research.
Since we have a technology focus, coverage of work by women will be mostly technical.
Remarks: Modified: 03/08/2025
03/08/2025 --