Sunday, March 9, 2025

250 Years of Liberty

TL;DR -- The 250th lookbacks demonstrates modern technology and how it will allow better assessment of past events, especially with respect to people and their families. The massacre at Boston is an example. John Adams established a U.S. milestone, thereby getting some fame, though the initial reactions were not favorable. 


We have had several posts on the upcoming 250th which has been in focus for a while in terms of planning and reporting activity leading up to the event associated with Lexington and Concord. Planning started more than a decade ago, with groups such as the Daughters of the American Revolution.  

Another example event was the Boston Tea Party the 250th of which was in 2023. Given that we are one year from the Declaration, we will have regular reports of events from those times that got the U.S. going. At the same time, we will continue our focus on the post-Revolution activity leading to the expansion of the interior the U.S., especially the interior and the west (left) coast. 

Today, we will point to a couple of Facebook Groups which recently provided information about the Boston Massacre. 

  • 250Years America's Founding - This post (Judgement of Death) covers the Boston Massacre which was an event in 1770 that was confictual. Some Brit soldiers fired on people. John Adams (cuz) was appointed as defense. John wasn't popular for a bit. He and Abigail (cuz) left Boston so as to have some peace. Ah, America at its best. 
  • 250YearsofLiberty - This site has posts pertinent to the Revolution. Lots of things have happened to this day. We, then, have several years before peace came to be. The topic now is the Boston Massacre (Wikipedia) which happened March 5th. 
Concurrent with the Revolution, there will be continual reflection on towns coming into being 400 years ago. Coming up next year will be the movement from Cape Ann to what became Salem. We will relook at the upcoming timeline for communities in the area in a future post. 

Remarks: Modified: 03/09/2025

03/09/2025 -- 

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