We could start by pulling together our view of the Dorchester company under whose auspices Thomas and Margaret made their transition to the New World. And, getting a proper focus of the company would require us to know a whole lot more about Rev. John White.
We have mentioned the Reverend in several posts, so far. These had him as a focus.
- White and Gardner family contributions (2011) -- John Goff uses the day of Thomas' passing (Dec. 29th) to write about the relationship between the families. This relationship was not brought out in the Great Migration series' look at Thomas. Too, one Dorchester writeup does not show Elizabeth White having a son named Thomas. Several questions will be proposed related to these early years, and we'll pay special attention to noting what is known (Example: How many wives?).
- Gardner and Conant families (2013) -- We know that other relatives of Rev John came over. This post deals with one of those families (we will be listing others). Given the two families in focus in the post, we can see that a lot more is known about the pre-move life of Roger; how can we fill in information about Thomas?
- 400th, again (2013) -- One of the churches that the Rev was associated with has a nice website with interesting details. See below for more on that.

As we saw with 400th post, information is starting to appear about the company and Rev. John White. Today, I noticed that they have the Rev as a great-grandfather of John Wesley who founded Methodism.
There is a biographical sketch of Susanna Wesley, John's mother, in a compilation of her writings that was published, by Oxford, in 1997. Her mother is noted as Mary (?) White (d. 1693).
The next Gardner's Beacon issue will start a closer look at the company started by Rev John.
Remarks: Modified: 07/14/2018
10/30/2013 -- Note the addition of the Viewpoints category. These may split by topic, but there are all sorts of things to research and to document. Viewpoints? Yes, consider it like the multiple basic views of our underlying reality (yes, interpretations abound). Look, for any situation, we can befuddle things (fuzzify, if you would). Some things are more set (say the Royal births that were witnessed so that there would be no switching of infants -- thanks Dr. Lucy Worsley - see Tales from the Royal bedchambers) than are others. But, even as paternity issues can show, it doesn't take much to muddy the waters. So, genealogy is a matter of providing strong arguments backed up by, hopefully, inviolable bits of history (all inclusive, including administratively handled pieces).
09/26/2014 -- Rev. John White, the Patriarch of Dorchester.
07/14/2018 -- Need to update pointers to the Dorchestor work (et al). It moved from ancestry. http://www.opcdorset.org/fordingtondorset/Files/DorchesterRevJohnWhite1575-1648.html Notice, in looking at his sister, Elizabeth, there is no son Thomas Gardner. Dorset County page on Rev. John White.