Sunday, July 26, 2020

5th generation

TL;DR -- Marked by the arrival by boat, it was the 5th generation that bore the onus of establishing the new country. The 6th generation got things going with regard to progress and growth of the country. The 7th generation were the first to see proceeds start to accumulate.


Here, we are looking at a broad-scope generation rather than for the 25-year assumption that can be used for a family. We will use some lines of descendancy from Thomas and Margaret and a few of the closely related families. As well as look further at the 6th and 7th generations, we have to note that the 5th generation from Thomas' time was responsible for the start of the U.S. Here are some posts related to the theme of the Revolution and its follow-on conflict, 1812. 
Spirit of '76
There have been several issues of Gardner's Beacon with the theme of the Revolution. Given the sacrifices of the 5th generation, we can set the tone for looking at the 7th. In this list, some are related to the time of Thomas and Margaret. Otherwise, they may be related to another colonial which we will identify.

Looking at the Elizabeth's that we featured, earlier in posts, their generation (fuzzily picked, until further notice) is 5th. That wasn't planned.

The list is in order of the posts.
It was the mention of the first Elizabeth in the American Ancestor's magazine that got the little study going. As noted, an Elizabeth (Gardner) Armory was mentioned even earlier; that was in reference to the "1st governor" reference that we saw in Dr. Frank's books. 

Remarks: Modified: 08/09/2020

07/26/2020 -- The 4th was involved with the Revolution, as well. They were trained for this via their support Crown in the French Indian War of the 1750s. We will look at that generation, as well.

07/28/2020 -- Have done several posts related to generations: 5th generation6th generation7th generation1900 backAmerican 100sFirst five, and About generations.

08/09/2020 -- Added image for our portal to truth ( 

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