Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Planning, TGA, Vol V, No 1

Earlier, we had notes about the research for this issue of TGA. Now, we're to considering having two issues, again, as we did with earlier releases of the report. As we pull things together, we remind those interested that we can accept submissions for publication.

As well, after this volume is completed (Vol V), we will pull the first five volumes together into a book suitable for gifting to libraries. Support  would be appreciated.

This is a sketched table of contents for this volume that is provided to promote discussion and help keep us organized.
  • recap our 10 years of work and give a look at the different means that we are using to provide information.
  • finalize our review of Dr. Frank's lineage as we found his notes about his mother's family.
  • write up an appreciation for Sidney Perley's work which was carried on by Dr. Frank's sister after Sidney quit his Essex Antiquarian efforts and went on to write the History of Salem.
  • initiate a biz section that will provide a status, starting with a look at 5 years of Incorporation.
  • initiate an art section, starting with a narrative of old Ipswich, that will be a regular feature and will look at, and use, art as information.
  • initiate a tech section, starting with an overview of issues related to technology and media especially in the climate of growing uncertainty about web-based information.
  • initiate a details section, starting with an update to the index to cover the 10 volumes of Gardner's Beacon.
Given the decade of work, we need to stop to pull things together. Or start to do that. As well, we have gathered lots of information about Dr. Frank. There is more pending. So, we will offer that in a cohesive manner.

Remarks: Modified: 09/11/2019

09/11/2019 --

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