Monday, April 29, 2019

The view, in color

Well, poking around, I see that the painting is there. Here is a copy of the page from a brochure. The page has details about the artist (Nathan Lakeman, see page 5 - stale pointer) and the scene.

The detail is remarkable. Dr. Frank provided a reproductive plate based upon the technology of the early 1900s. This photo tells the tale of the progress of technology. Also, the painting is dated to 1828 rather than 1826.

On poking further, this is what Dr. Frank had to go on (via

This is an example of what we need to do and why. Tell the tales, even when there is a retell.

Remarks: Modified: 11/29/2019

05/01/2019 -- Added link to the South Danvers Observer (stale pointer). Also, new post about this theme: Gardner's bridge.

05/07/2019 -- More on Gardner's bridge. We'll be updating the modern map's relationship with Perley's walkabout.

11/29/2019 -- Links to South Danvers Observer disappeared in the last few months). 

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