Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Reprints, Dr. Frank's books

While browsing today, for another post (to be published after this), I saw that there were books of Dr. Frank's for sale on e-bay. On a closer look, these were reprints and are fairly recent. So, for now, here are the links. There were three books that caught my eye, originally. But, on closer look, I see that there have been more reprints. So, let's start with these three to see what's up.

In the modern age, many have gone back and brought classics forward. So, it is good to see this effort. We will do a review after some study of the situation. As, one of our goals is a redo of Dr. Frank's work. However, we would use modern referencing methods and cover all of the children.  Too, we would look more closely at the collateral families. Dr. Frank did an excellent job given his time and the technology available.

  1. Thomas Gardner, Planter (forgottenbooks.com) - this consists of an extract of pages from the 1907 book. The page provides buttons for 'Download', 'Read', and Amazon. Here is the Ebay link.  
  2. Thomas Gardner, Planter (Cape Ann, ...) and Some of His Descendants (bookdepository.com - Andesite Press - Ebay link) - the overview says "This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it." Amen. 
  3. Thomas Gardner, Planter (Cape Ann, ...) and Some ... (bookdepository.com - Franklin Classics - Ebay link) - Same as before. Different ISBN number. But, continuing: "Scholars believe ... that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public." Again, cannot disagree. 
We will survey some of the other publications and continue this theme.

Remarks: Modified: 02/27/2019

02/27/2019 -- Note left on FB on 02/19/2019:
    In following up on some research, I ran into some material about reprints of Dr. Frank's 1907 work. So far, what I have seen concerns the 1907 book and not the 1933 one. That might be due to some copyright constraints. Have to look further.

    One of our projects is to get Dr. Frank's work up to date. And, that would include a rewrite of the former material with notes added to bring in the modern view as well as introduction of new material. If we put in an image, it would be for effect.

                (link to this post)

    This post is a start at looking at the reprint phenomenon. They do image enhancements, essentially. There is a lot to discuss. We can, actually, get started on this now, after some work on ways as well as mean. Along with this work would be continuing upkeep of the website plus the blog (or two or three). We could have a lot accomplished before 2023/3 comes along.
02/28/2019 --

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