First up, we'll complete the look at Dr. Frank A. He did the work which has been cited (so far, we have found nothing to quibble about - even if we do find things to correct, he'll get respect -- as should Rev. Hubbard - who will feature, too, at some point) a whole lot over the years.
Watch this page: The Gardner Annals.
Remarks: Modified: 03/14/2019
03/14/2019 -- Added image to index for our portal to truth.
06/18/2018 -- With the publication of The Gardner Annals, Vol. IV, No. 1, we have completed an overview of Dr. Frank's work. TGA, Vols III and IV will print soon. This will include all of the Table of Content for each of the issues.
05/22/2015 -- As we look at Dr. Frank, we will pay some attention to his and Lucie's magazine: The Massachusetts Magazine.
05/25/2015 -- We will be pulling out the Contents for all Volumes. Sidney Perley's The Essex Antiquarian had its last year in 1909. Did Dr. Frank think that he might have something to continue Sidney's work? Sidney quit in order to work on his multi-volume History of Salem which included material from Dr. Frank and many others.
12/13/2015 -- Find A Grave - Gardner.
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