- Domesday Book -- see related blog for more on the topic. Essentially, this relates to an effort to bring things into account. It was problematic then and is even more so now (and, that refers to more than the issues faced by the U. S. Census). By the way, William's effort showed that the Church (of England, still under the Pope, but remote) had more land than did the King. Aside: Could that not be indicative of how afar Christianity went from the teachings of Christ?
- Accountability -- that is, for Coats of Arms, etc., there had to be some control, and review, that was regular. So, Henry VIII started what is known as the visitation. Seems that claims about heralds, etc. were easily counterfeited.
- Towton - the day that changed English history.
- Persecutions both ways; no wonder people wanted to flee. Some carried the insanity over to here (we'll name names, at some point -- Thomas was not an instigator of things like this).

These are interesting to the themes of the blog, for many reasons, so expect some posts on these types of things from time to time.
06/04/2019 -- Added link to image on the 'Battle of Towton' page on Wikipedia.
12/15/2018 -- Added image here and to image scroll: TGSoc.org.
07/20/2013 -- Interesting work, and related database, at PASE.uk, including a database built upon the Domesday Book (can identify old families).
11/05/2012 -- Domesday book and beyond: Three Essays in the early History of England (google.com, archive.org).
05/12/2012 -- Changed Doomsday to Domesday (yank fat fingering). Well, for some, being fingered to pay more money is 'doomsday' awaiting.
08/15/2011 -- Changed some wiki pointers; added one list item. Need to remember to use the 'public' wiki site.
Modified: 06/04/2019
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