Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Nipmuc's influence

TL;DR -- Technology is only part of our focus. People are prime. Technology will learn that people in the loop is the key to truth maintenance. 


We have mentioned technology as a focus a few times. In doing so, we were not forgetting people and their 400 years of  history. Of late, technocrats have run after the idea that people are not important. What John calls AIn't and its hype are an example. 2024 has found the experience with GenAI over the past two years as motivation for managers (executives) of many companies to bring AI whole-hog into their processes. 

Okay, John has been mostly silent on this for the past two years are he re-evaluated everything that he knew with respect to emerging information from the machine learning work, including the technical aspects of applying mathematics as was enabled with the advancement of computing. Too, he reviewed robotics as it has been seen as an opportunity to web sensors with smarts and thereby create some creature worthy of our attention beyond our usual reaction to technological marvels of bowing to their developers. Language has become the domain of the artificial; John's put to that is the mindless/meaningless pursuit of optimatiztion of rules never was what language was about. Tsk, on the English departments of Universities. So much to research and discuss. 

Okay, backing up, technology is how mathematics finds its game It has not been properly attuned, yet, to what humans are about. That will change. We will discuss how to pay attention. 

Aside: for the past few years, as AI can to be more known (okay?, doubt that?, let's just take IBM and Google's winning of games in a very public atmosphere - with the ultimate being Go (so what?, never played it nor most of the other games), John has watched. Quality? Declining. Mood? Becoming more mean-spirited and stupid with respect to the culture that the US has been trying to put into place with regard to justice and equity. Look around, computers driving people like the computer is the master of we humans who have to slave to its/their owners. 

Back on track. Mathematics is the key here. So, that will be an important discussion. 

Too, toys have always been a focus. Now, we have adult toys of note. I don't have any, myself, except for some computational types. Puritan? Perhaps. It fits. 


With the 400th of Plymouth (that off-course vessel - Mayflower), there was an effort to know more of the native populations that were here prior to the arrival of the Europeans. That's today's message. 

  • In conversation with Cheryll Toney Holley - she is of the Nipmuc tribe. One factor that we see with respect to taming the ill-begotten aspects of technology is to know people and their history. 
  • Nipmuc - mentioned in 1631 by Dudley, this group led the efforts to establish an awareness of their existence, generally. 
Tribal territories, 
southern New England

This review starts in the northeastern regions of the U.S., but it will cover the areas of the large interior of the country over the time of the expansion. Too, we will look at the extreme west (arrived at by land and sea) and the southwest. 

Remarks: Modified: 09/17/2024

09/17/2024 --  Nipmuc cultural area included the Concord region. We stop to look at one influencer from that region: HDThoreau.  

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