Friday, September 6, 2024

Shoebox and its uses

Tl;DR -- Shoebox and its uses? We start with a 1992 book. 


At one manufacturing environment, there was a tool kit that was flat and cushy with outlines of tools needd for a job. If assembly, it would also have the parts to be put together. The machinist/assembler would take the kit(s) to the machine/workstation which included everything needed. At one time, one would go to a tool crib when a need cropped up. 

So, optimization and savings were the goal for the change. 

Now, we're into the digital age and having the pains, growing type and other. What does it all mean? A book from the early 1990s had an interesting take on the matter. This list identifies the book and the author and points to other material. 
Why is this important? Several reasons. "shoebox" itself has been used several ways. We'll trace down those related to AI, in particular.
Remarks: Modified: 09/07/2024

09/07/2024 --  Add image. 

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