Our purpose is to have material available on-line to support work related to the extended family of Thomas and Margaret Gardner. At the same time, some of the research work sponsored by the Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. will appear in The Essex Genealogist (esog.org).
In regard to research, we will publish a list of open issues regarding the first three generations (let's say, in order to set an initial limit) that require attention. Now, what might be an issue? Well, it can be of a range of things that we hope becomes more clear as we gather material.
Some of the issues have already been addressed in posts in this blog (say, How many wives?). Of late, there have been many queries about origins, or the "whence" issue. Today, a researcher pointed to a source for the baptism records of son, Thomas and George, implying, of course, that Thomas, Sr.'s location would be known.
Too, though, one emphasis has been on collecting all of the Gardner-related works (and their conclusions) that have accumulated over the years. Of these, some have stood the test of time. Why this is so needs to be explained. Others may have some element of truth but are problematic.
As an aside, the method would cover all. If something is swampy, then it'll be noted as such.
Pet peeve: People running down research paths, learning lessons, taking what they want, but, then, leaving no records as they venture elsewhere. Some things seem to be quicksand; markers ought to be left behind in these areas. Now, how this type of thing might be done is not clear. Is it necessary? That can be shown, given enough time.

By the way, hence we have the leaning toward on-line access and marking.
See Vol. IV, No. 3 of Gardner's Beacon for a consideration of interests and goals of the Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. related to research and publication.
References: see Sources (Current Issue)
Remarks: Modified: 09/19/2014
09/19/2014 - Ann Downing and Sarah Kimball are mentioned as being subjects of further research. One of Sarah (Kimball) Leatherland's grandmothers was Sarah (Whipple) Goodhue (yeah, Stories from Ipswich). Upcoming article in The Gardner Annals and TEG 34 (November).
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