Some of the early arrivals, such as Higginson, wrote about their experiences. Then, there were the later lookbacks by others, like Conant.

Later, there were other lookbacks, such as Felt's who went through the records of towns, such as Salem and Ipswich and others.
Then, with the advent of organized work on records about mid-1800s, families started to put together their stories. We have the works of Frank A. Gardner, MD in this category. As well, there was a flurry of activity around the 300th anniversary of the Cape Ann venture.
Now, we're almost 400 years out. It's time for another go-around. See Vol. I, No. 3 of Gardner's Beacon for our view of Margaret's perspective.
Expect that there will be a continuing threads on this, and related, topics.
12/17/2011 -- Tim Lambert's A World History Encyclopedia will be used much in this blog and in related material. Here is his take on the life in the colonial times.
06/04/2019 -- Added image and put this on our image list at the portal to truth.
06/04/2019 -- Added image and put this on our image list at the portal to truth.
Modified: 06/04/2019
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