Thursday, August 22, 2024

Trust whom?

TL;DR -- After doing an extensive sweep of the internet (information universe), especially with respect to technical details, one can ask, whom to trust? GenAI, over time, will make the problem worse. So,our technology focus fits within that scheme of things. Where do we go from here? 


There has not been a post since early August as busy with an assessment of technolgy with respect to computing and the GenAI that has been becoming more prominent on the landscape throughout the year. 

My activity has been reviewing the past two decades which saw the internet bloom and had machine learning come back with a vengeance once Job's gift got out and was replicated by other players. 

In particular, I have been concenttrating on database management changes plus the newer modes of accomplishing functionality.  

A post on Quora somewhat summarizes the current viewpoint (worldview, educated opinion) that I have which stresses that technology is now suitable for a regular focus as it runs throughout our lives introducting changes that many times have not been beneficial.

This is the question/answer: As Oracle's CTO, what emerging AI and machine learning advancements are poised to revolutionize enterprise data management in the next decade? The questions was asked by Larry Ellison in his role as CTO of Oracle. 

I created this post for the answer which starts a series of stick diagrams that will be improved later. 

Another bit of activity involves a project that will experiment with a new technique for handling economic resources thereby removing some of the downsides of the ca-pital-sino which will be sandboxed, eventuall.  

 Remarks: Modified: 08/22/2024

08/22/2024 --    

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