Monday, June 29, 2020

Of the times

TL;DR -- Trying times. Helps us understand what the generation of Dr. Frank went through. 


On the portal (, we scroll textual information that runs through the timeline of interest to the TGS, Inc. which is the gamut from here back to the time of the Magna Carta. Right now, there are several modes, that are not connected. We'll be looking at an app approach to organizing this a little more, say where the portal does open to a type of 'semantic web' under which would be an unending supply of information, both curated and not.

We are looking now at the 400th of the start of colonial effort. Soon, there will be the 250th of the beginning of the U.S. And, there are many other milestones that we can pinpoint. In the meantime, part of the activity of the blog will be to collect material which we have been doing for ten years now. A couple of years we were looking at the 1918 Spanish Flu. Who would have forecast the current situation?
Scene near Gardner's bridge. 

And, given that many have just had an experience with a constrained type of living, there ought to be some better understanding of The First Year. That post was just last year (2019) in April. At the time, we were settling, finally, on the absence of Thomas' grave, plus we were looking for paintings that showed early Salem and its surrounds.

The left painting is the area where the bridge went over Gardner's brook.

Gallows Hill
The painting on the right is from the high point just southwest of where Gardner's Hill was. The view includes Gallows Hill as there was a U that looped over to where Harmony Grove is now. However, the point is that Thomas said that he could see the water from his favorite spot on Gardner's Hill. And, we can think that he wasn't talking Gardner's brook or Strong Water brook. There are other paintings scattered through the posts that will come back into focus from time to time.

Keeping with the COVID-19 theme, we can consider this photo of the English adaptation of the wigwam that would have been the living situation for the early arrivals. Imagine being crowded into this situation with howling winds outside plus several feet of snow accumulated by the time spring was about to arrive.

English wigwam
Some of us might have had similar conveniences in the camping mode. But, this was the reality for Thomas and Margaret during the early times, except for when they might have been in the Great House after Roger moved everyone over to the Salem area (Cape Ann, Retrospective).

Salem has had many house themes over the years. These stories deal with the families who owned and lived in the houses. There are many other themes that can provide insights about how we are now in terms of the whys and what nots. Technology has progressed sufficiently for us to try to bridge generational information in ways that are unprecedented and formerly beyond reach.

Remarks: Modified: 11/10/2020

06/29/2020 --

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