
Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day, 2016

We started this blog in September 2010. So, this will be our second Leap Day. However, it might be interesting to see what was going during each of those earlier times.
    John and his friends
    2010 Two years into the 4-year cycle. The first few posts covered The kids, Related families, and Gardners.

    2012 In February 2012, we were asking this question: Where was Thomas? At some point, we will mark his various locations on a map. It is of interest that we do not know where he is: Where is Thomas? One place where he was, both alive and deceased, is the Gardner burial plot. However, many bodies were moved from that location in order to build a road.

    2016 In February 2016, we had finished several papers for The Essex Genealogist and were putting together The Gardner Annals, Vol. III. We started to look at the settlement of Virginia and get acquainted with the western movement. The Massachusetts Magazine was given a lot of attention over several months: Dr. Frank's monographs on the Siege of Boston. The Magna Carta was celebrated in June of 2015.

    2020 In February 2020, we started to look at other cemeteries in Salem. For example, the Howard Street Burial Ground was started earlier. Giles Cory was buried in the area. The official start was before that of Harmony Grove. We were still looking at Gardner places. Turns out that Gardner River has some bit of  history associated with it which we are still researching. 
    2024 ...
Remarks: Modified: 03/06/2021

03/01/2019 -- And, much more. Lots of activities over the years and months. Building an index of images on our portal to truth

03/06/2021 -- We missed this last year and are catching up. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Selfie day

Well, I missed this: February 1 (henceforth?).

So, now, before the good old ground hog puts his head out of his hole, will will have to watch out for self-absorbed genealogists stepping on his head?

Well, at least, we have a general place to look to find what is going on. Index, so to speak.

I have never taken a selfie. Don't really intend to. But, hell froze over for the Eagles.

Would Thomas do that? Seems to me that some manias are just modern representations of old-time issues.

Calling on all Gardner bloggers to post their selfie or equivalent.

Remarks: Modified: 02/06/2016 

02/06/2016 --