
Friday, May 31, 2024

Napa Valley pioneer

TL;DR -- Ships brought people to CA. So, ship people settling in CA would be expected. We look at one Salem family, descendant of Thomas Gardner, who pioneered in Napa Valley's Oak Knoll district. 


Can we write too much of California? It was the environs of New Spain but had New England influence not too long after Jefferson's deal. We have looked at Los Angeles a bit due to the Butterfield Stage Line that started in St. Louis and went to San Francisco via Los Angeles, and prior to that Tucson and El Paso. San Francisco was of interest due to the Gold Rush plus the Presidio which was established in the era of New Spain. Then, we have looked at the early arrivers who were mountain men and trappers.  

Today, we will use an article from Melissa Berry due to its theme: Photo Album of California Pioneers (part 1). Of coursel, these pioneers were going to an already established place, namely New Spain. But, it is good that the photo albums of CA are being used. Melissa names the families which include some from Salem and Nantucket. Bowditch and Gardner are on the list. 

The article shows the following photo of the Napa Valley vineyards which were in the Oak Knoll District. The website for the Vintners of the district gives some history of the involvement of Capt. Joseph W. Osborne

Joseph W. Osborne's vineyards

Be sure to visit the photo album at the site of The Society of California Pioneers.

Remarks: Modified: 05/31/2024

05/31/2024 --

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