
Friday, August 2, 2019

Ezra Pound

There are lots of research areas that we can touch upon. It's an endless bit of stuff. But, we want to stay topical and relevant. Having looked at a couple cases of connections (Julia Ward Howe), we thought that we could pick someone interesting and look at the connections to see what comes up.

How to find someone? Well, we have a standing bit of pending work to prove the list of descendants that we wrote up on Wikipedia, long ago (Thomas Gardner - Planter). We built this list while reading. As we found associations, we recorded them, after finding out what child of Thomas and Margaret was the ancestor. That, of course, assumed that the information was correct. Well, we know that we need to verify everything.

So, we picked Ezra Cornell. Sure enough, he is a Thomas descendant via his mother who was a Barnard out of Nantucket. Now, several sources have this, including a good one, which is the work of William Addams Reitwiesner on the ancestry of William Shattuck. Rather than pick up that quest, for the moment, we decided to pick another name.

In fact, another Ezra. This time, it's Ezra Pound. He was born in Idaho, so we also see the western expansion. Upon querying WikiTree, we see that Ezra has many lines back to Thomas, via Nantucket, again. This comes via his 1st-great-grandmother, Minerva Judith Coleman, both of whose parents were descendants of Thomas and Margaret, several times.

So, let's check some connections. Using Deborah (Macy) Gardner (1658-1712), we get this link back to Henry VIII's mother. The link is via Joseph Gardner and his marriage to Ann Downing who has the link via her second husband, Simon Bradstreet. Using Thaddeus Coleman (1771-1847), we get a link to Henry VIII's wife, Anne Boleyn, via Coffin and West.

Shubael Gorham is on the list, too. So, using him, we get a link to Catherine Parr through Vaughan and Neville. Shubael's wife was Puella Hussey. She has a link back to Henry Fitzroy via Manning and Howard.

Finally, getting from that node and picking the Pound great-grandfather, we get a link to Jane Seymour. In these searches, there are many cultural links that are of the 'in-law' type. Any of these would be interesting to look deeper into.

This post is a look at a descendant with a little peek at the loads of information that would accrue if the tree were to be filled in. He represents one of hundreds of thousands. Meaning? Lots of work to do.


So, Ezra was born in Idaho. That's a long way from New England. Of course, by 1883, the railroad made it easier to get out there. Why? Always needs to be asked. Well, we can look more at land management: General Land Office.


On Ezra, see the Poetry Foundation.

Remarks: Modified: 03/27/2022

03/27/2022 -- A recent article was about the Gloucester summer home of the family of T.S. Eliot (WikipediaWikiTree). T. S., friend of Ezra, had an extensive New England heritage. 

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