
Friday, January 22, 2016

Thomas and Margaret, archetypal pair

We are now into our seventh year. The first few were involved heavily with research, trying to pull together disparate pieces. That is, continue the work of Dr. Frank after a lapse of about 100 years. One method to evaluate progress was a load of successful applications submitted under the context of the Hereditary Society Community.

Then, there was some effort at publishing findings. This effort is in an infant stage. The thrust of the first papers dealt with misinformation. However, that is a subject that will continue to need some attention.

Now, after all of that work, and stepping back, we can start to generalize. So, watch out. We will be applying expertise from various fields (interdisciplinary approach) to contribute to the coming 400th anniversaries in order to paint a picture that ought to make sense to Americans and, hopefully, help further the discussion toward more rational frameworks (in general).

We have mentioned this before, as Thomas and Margaret stand out. If we take Thomas as a focus, for now, let's see where this can go. Not that we are forgetting Margaret, but she will be even a larger subject for various reasons.

In short, we can propose Thomas as an example of an archetype (see the early backbone series, for one). Yes, of course, this statement alludes to the work of Jung (and, we'll discuss this). Too, we'll get more specific in all areas.

Part of the reason that we can do this is the Tabla Raza characteristic (see comment on history being silent), almost, which is due to the sparsity of data. Lack of information is not bad as it may sound; for one, it forces the issue of trying to interpolate (and extrapolate). We have a whole lot to talk there as my forte is modeling, measurement, metaphors of mathematics, and such.

That is, the experience was with real stuff that works against the constraints of nature (okay, engineering) which type of experience is willy-nilly being applied (misappropriated?) by business, the web (and its muddy cloudíness), and an errant STEM (run amok). So, we can use a broader scope to argue for more sanity.

All along, this was apparent; we are finally to where we can be more academic than anecdotal. It is our hope that Gardners and friends will help Gardner Research get Thomas and Margaret back into their proper places in American (and civilization's) history.  

And, one of the main media sources is the web (which, at some point, will have a more tame flavor).

For now, using an image from another blogger.

Comment: Not everyone is Jungian in leaning. Nor, has anyone shown to everyone's satisfaction that metaphysical notions (however slightly alluded to) are necessary. Our intent is to offer properly supported conjectures (along several lines) in order to foster discussion and further work. This is a point-in-time effort worked under the same provisos as we see with science, in general. Having said that, though, does not mean that a few toes, now and again, won't feel our heel. Let's get our heads out of the STEM-sand (all sorts of things to discuss here). 

Remarks: Modified: 01/22/2016 

01/22/2016 --

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Nantucket sendoff

Today, I got a chance to peruse Philbrick's book and get a feel for it. I liked the layout of the Chapters. For each, there is a nice bit of reference material and comment. The index was quite nice. There were three Gardners mentioned that we'll look at further: Eben, Ferdinand, George Washington. Several other families are included, such as Coffin, Chase, and more. Philbrick, himself, is no doubt a Gardner cousin. The book looks as if it will be a great read. Too, it will be on many reference shelves. Philbrick included photos of artifacts related to Nantucket's whaling experience.

I picked one area to read that covered the preparation and departure of the Essex. Philbrick detailed the cargo. A whaler carried many barrels for oil; too, it had material on board with which to make more barrels as needed.

How many? He mentioned that one whaler (captained by GWG, above) came back with 2,000 plus barrels and may have set a record. Others got a few hundred barrels of oil despite being at sea a couple of years. All in all, Philbrick does a nice job of explaining what was involved with whaling.

It took several days to load the ship using smaller vessels. That is, the ship was provisioned off-shore. That must have been an interesting bit to watch. Then, there was the work of assembling a crew. Of course, Nantucketers were preferred. But, the crew also came from elsewhere.

As an aside, some were African American slaves. Philbrick noted that the Indian population that was suitable to being enslaved had diminished. Now, for all of Nantucket descent, remember that many of the perpetrators this enslavement were of Quaker descent.

Many times, the majority of the crew were "green" hands. And, the ship was not simple to handle with its complicated rigging and such. Of course, getting asea would be way to start to get experience. To do that, one had to get away from shore.

So, to the theme. As the time came for departure, Nantucketers would gather to watch. What other entertainment would there have been? The Captain had to be on deck during this event. Philbrick describes the scene as somewhat chaotic. Granted there were experienced people on board, but the whole crew was involved, hence on-the-job training for the greenies would have been the order of the day. Philbrick writes well of the hot-seat experience for the captain. That humiliation would have continued until the ship was out of sight of those with long glasses.

I don't know if the movie touches upon this subject, but lots of comedy skits might come to mind. In any case, it wasn't long before the Essex ran into a storm and suffered damage. So, that crew got a whole lot of experience in very short order.

Now, Eben Gardner was first mate on the Two Brothers which Pollard took charge of after the Essex. Ferdinand Gardner was involved with handling the affairs of the Globe after it ran aground. The Essex was able to pick up some supplies from him. The Essex had lost whaling boats in the storm mentioned above. George Washington Gardner's success at his whaling venture set the stage for subsequent whaling.

This book, and the event, ought to get a little more attention from us.  

Remarks: Modified: 01/20/2016 

01/20/2016 --

Monday, January 4, 2016

Summary, 2015

We had 46 posts, last year.

All of the "Last 30 days" reads are of this year's posts.

Top 5 posts 

Recaps: 20192018, 2017 (missing), 2016, 2015, 2014201320122011

Remarks: Modified: 12/29/2019

12/15/2018 -- Added links to recaps from the beginning.