
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Website and CMS

Earlier, we mentioned that we would be upgrading the website. Too, though, there are lots of tasks, administration and otherwise, that need to be considered.

We have a working demo that will be improving. At the same time, we're doing a CMS study since we want to make a decision that will hold up. Too, content management is how we're looking at CMS. It doesn't make one more creative. It can help one be more productive.

There are roles and tasks of all sorts of categories. Hopefully, getting organized will allow a better elucidation of the requirements. The 400th can be a focus point.

Aside: The Forum was from an older technology. Perhaps, some type of social media would work. The attempt was not a waste. There wasn't much legit interest, but hackers galore (see Remarks) were attracted.

See What's new, this date.


06/20/2016 -- Concrete5 example removed. Broken link in one library (at the ISP) mentioned by

09/04/2013 -- One thing about Concrete5 is that HTML is there, up close. So, one could think one is coding. Well, it's true in a way -- some prominent persons - young - basically have only coded web languages - say, PHP - whereas this old guy has performed in 50+ languages in an almost uncountable number of situations. I'm looking for something that is fairly straightforward (edit (using Sea Monkey's Composer), push up with FTP isn't too bad (using FileZilla - great little tool), and hope that I get things into the right directory.

07/13/2013 -- A little more familiar with the Joomla interface. However, most of the modules to date (subsumed under articles which are pages) have been of a type for handling HTML. From an old guy's viewpoint, their attachments that will fire (according to knobs and logic) when the page is active. Subroutine call, in other words. I'm having fun mapping the views of the newer folks against the common thread that I've seen throughout my career. I knocked Drupal earlier since it seemed to have a code focus. So, too, does Concrete5. But, then I see that most of what I've done to date with Joomla is the same. So, in the backend, they're all the same, albeit they use different terms for things (we'll get into this).

Modified: 06/20/2016

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Gardner's Beacon, Vol. III, No. 2

All who came over the big pond had some type of yearning for freedom, after all it's arguably one sign of maturity for humans. The recent celebration of American Independence pertains to that common urge. But, the actuality was long coming, and issues related to this urge continue to this day. Some claimed freedom early, such as the crowd at Merry Mount. But, it was way too early for such a thing.


As we add to the Annals collection, it looks as if a "History, Gardner viewpoint" would be a good theme for a series of papers and, even, books. That is, several authors have tried creative methods in writing about history. One example is a history written from the viewpoint of the common man in which events, usually ignored, come to fore.

Most history tells the tale of the winners. Or, you might say, those who controlled the message. But, we all know that reality deals with millions and billions of people. Are their lives of little substance (again, arguable from several sides)?

With Thomas and Margaret, we do not have the blank slate that some might think, not that there is a lot of information to use. That gap leaves much to fill in; doing so will allow a new look at what happened. We'll be more specific about this as we go along.


One thing to cover will be goings-on of note in the "Mother Country." So, we itemize the changes in power over the time of Thomas and his immediate ancestors. Charles I, for instance, lost his head during Thomas' time. Felt's Annals is a good read in the context. Earlier, we noted that Thomas dared to marry a Quaker, without repercussions. George, on the other hand, had to flee to Connecticut. Well, looking at the Annals can remind us that Charles II wrote to those in power here and told them to lay off the Quakers, more or less.

Methinks that Thomas could handle the pressure. Endicott respected him.


Now, too, it looks like time to tell the Gardner story coming forward from those early times. Thomas and Margaret have descendants across the U.S. and the world. Some are interested in specific trees and relationships.

As well, the total of the information would add to the story. So, there is a lot to do (with no real end in sight).

1881 Expedition team (left)
Relief team (right)
An interesting little tale involves two cousins. Both were Thomas and Margaret descendants, but they met in the polar region. Greely led the expedition
team which was stranded for a couple of years. Coffin commanded one of the relief vessels that finally got the remainder of the expedition team rescued in 1844. Greely's team did hold the farthest north title for a few years, getting past 83 deg north.

Recently, photos have been added to the Wikipedia page about the expedition and the relief effort. Coffin and Greely are next to each other. Did they know of their cousin-hood?


See Vol. III, No. 2 of Gardner's Beacon for a look at some events of Thomas' time. Too, read a little more about the cousins.

References:  see Sources (Current Issue)  


07/07/2013 --

Modified: 07/08/2013